2.3 Region

A region object can only be acquired by using the Xlib function CreateRegion.

Some of the Region functions in the X library have a result argument. In the region object methods, the methods modify the object of which the method is called instead.

Region objects (region_objects) have the following methods:

AddExposureToRegion( event)
This function corresponds with XtAddExposureToRegion.

ClipBox( )
Returns (x, y, width, height). This function corresponds with XClipBox.

EmptyRegion( )
Returns success. This function corresponds with XEmptyRegion.

EqualRegion( region)
Returns success. This function corresponds with XEqualRegion.

IntersectRegion( region)
This function corresponds with XIntersectRegion.

OffsetRegion( dx, dy)
This function corresponds with XOffsetRegion.

PointInRegion( x, y)
Returns success. This function corresponds with XPointInRegion.

RectInRegion( x, y, width, height)
Returns success. This function corresponds with XRectInRegion.

ShrinkRegion( dx, dy)
This function corresponds with XShrinkRegion.

SubtractRegion( region)
This function corresponds with XSubtractRegion.

UnionRectWithRegion( x, y, width, height)
This function corresponds with XUnionRectWithRegion.

UnionRegion( region)
This function corresponds with XUnionRegion.

XorRegion( region)
This function corresponds with XXorRegion.